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Belleville Sens continue to emphasize local education with Sens in School Program

May 3, 2023

Throughout the American Hockey League season, the Belleville Senators organization gave their team personnel a unique opportunity to return to the classroom with the “Sens in School” initiative. 

While Senators players were not called upon to recite their vast knowledge of arithmetic, geography, or even history, they received the chance to help inspire local students with their academics and various athletic pursuits.

After 21 visits to area schools, administrators, teachers, and students were enthusiastic about sharing their interactions about the innovative program, which was redesigned and revamped last offseason under the management of Ben Cochrane, Manager, Business Operations for the club. 

During all appearances, the core values of discipline and integrity were reinforced while students also had fun answering questions, reading stories, and playing games.

“We wanted everyone involved to look back on this as something that was memorable and meaningful,” Cochrane said. “We talked a lot about setting goals and being a part of the community, being a team player and working together. Part of the colouring books was keywords, like teamwork and leadership. Making sure that all of them walk out of it, seeing that these guys are setting an example of being a part of the community and working together daily. That was all a big part of it.

Elementary grade participants especially enjoyed receiving either a special program perk, an in-house designed colouring or an activity book featuring beloved mascot Belly. In total, over eight thousand booklets were distributed in conjunction with the Hastings and Prince Edward, Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic, and Kawartha Pine Ridge school boards.

“We’re looking forward to involving more schools in this great experience,” Superintendent of Education, Algonquin & Lakeshore Catholic District School Board Darcey French said. We thank you for your collaboration and wanting to include our schools as part of this program.”

The initiative was yet another chance for the franchise to engage positively with community members, as four thousand students were involved with the initiative this season.

“This was a productive venture for us, Cochrane said. “It was an effective project that really helped us connect. This is something to look back on with pride. It really hits homes what we were able to accomplish. We did the right things and took the right steps.

The franchise has always emphasized the importance of education, and this particular program undoubtedly helps to shine a light on the organizational ethos of hard work, personal development, and inclusion.

For more information on the Belleville Sens School Program or to get our school involved, please click here!

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